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Web Application Frameworks: @ng Angular, Node.js, Vue.js, React, mySQL, jQuery, Java, Python, NoSQL, Typescript,,

Angular Logo - Paxym Consulting
Node.js Logo - Paxym Consulting
Vue.js Logo - Paxym Consulting
Vue.js b Logo - Paxym Consulting
React js Logo - Paxym Consulting
Meanstack framework Logo - Paxym Consulting
Laravel Logo - Paxym Consulting
WordPress Logo - Paxym Consulting
Ruby on Rails Logo - Paxym Consulting
Python Logo - Paxym Consulting
TypeScript Logo - Paxym Consulting
JavaScript Logo - Paxym Consulting
PHP Logo - Paxym Consulting

Paxym's Developers have been regularly assisting Customers in their Web Application efforts. Be it a re-port of existing legacy applications, or a new grounds-up clean start, our Developers have consistently delivered satisfactory results. Using a robust set of modern Web programming languages and Web Application frameworks, our Developers create complex high-performance business applications of any size.

Paxym's team has the Architecture, Development, Maintenance and Sustaining skills for Customers to assist with their choice of architecture like Node.js back-end coupled with Angular, Vue.js, React and other Front-ends.

Node.js    For customers deciding on new Web Application back-ends, we always vote our preferred Node.js with Angular (or Vue.js) as first choice.

Node.js has so far delivered excellent results for our Customers for building Scalable, Responsive, Distributed, Sophisticated, Web (Network) Applications with minimal effort and minimal time. It's Event-driven model and non-blocking I/O APIs make it an ideal candidate framework for Data-intensive Real-time Web Applications. As a JavaScript platform, Node.js makes it a trivial task to process distributed client/server API processing using its Callback services which ease the gathering of requested data from Data repositories or DBMS, while minimizing the in-Queue time for Service requests.

Angular    the best Framework in our Tools list for Front-End is Angular. Paxym provides full Angular consulting for Front-end components, coupled with sophisticated back-ends utilizing Node.js or similar technology.
Along with latest Angular releases, we continue to support and maintain Angular 2, 4, 5, 6 etc. (as well as AngularJS). All our implementations strictly utilize TypeScript with a goal of zero Warnings. We help architect the Web Application, Define components (& Tree), Routes, UI, Modules, Dependencies, Loading methods, AOT, Directives, Validation, DI, Unit Tests (Jasmine, Karma), Error handing (interceptors, Global errors), Template forms and Reactive forms, NGRX for state management, Deployment and Maintenance plans.

Vue.js    Our go-to tool for Smaller Applications is Vue.js. Vue.js is ideally suited for small one or two page Web applications, with no loss of sophistication and business logic. We love Vue.js for its ease of developing and rolling out Front-Ends for Web Applications with the same Stability, Scalability, Responsiveness and Data-intensive I/O features of Angular.
As a newer entrant to the JavaScript Frameworks race, Vue.js is an answer to our Customers, wondering if they really need to use Angular / React or any other Sophisticated frameworks. Vue.js allows Easy development and deployment of basic and intermediat Web Applications. Ideally one page or a few page Applications. The initial learning curve and future maintenance overhead is extremely low, therefore Vue.js is considered flexible, approachable, light-weight and progressive, compared to other Frameworks. Paxym's consultants have helped Customers using existing Ruby-on-Rails with custom Front-end Applications, to transition to Vue.js with Node.js back-end architectures.

React    Primarily used by our Customers with Large Applications working with huge data-sets. This JavaScript framework has allowed us to assist customers with rich UI for Sizable applications, Plan out a Data-flow plan for unidirectional and bidirectional flows and long term evolution of Data.
React has made it seamless for us to create Rich Interactive UIs, Project each State of session / data visually and efficiently Update and Render the minimal changed components with changes in Data using React virtual DOM. The Encapsulated Components of React, allow us to interact with rest of the Application regardless of the particular Technology stack used for other Components.

Python / Ruby-on-Rails    Another tool in our back-pocket is Vue.js. Vue.js is ideally suited for small one or two page Web applications, with no loss of sophistication and business logic. We love Vue.js for its ease of developing and rolling out Web Applications with the same Stability, Scalability, Responsiveness and Data-intensive I/O features of Angular.

TypeScript / JavaScript    All our implementations strictly utilize TypeScript with a goal of zero Warnings. Besides we support regular JavaScript (ECMAScript), ECMAScript6, ES2015, ES2017 etc.

MySQL / noSQL / Cloud-SQL    We work with all Database engines, be those traditional DBMS like MySQL, MS SQL Server or the evolving no-SQL and Cloud-SQL technologies including MongoDB, Firebase, GCP-Cloud-SQL, Cassandra, Amazon: Aurora, Redshift, RDS, DynamoDB, Google Cloud SQL, Spanner etc.

Angular Logo - Paxym Consulting
Node.js Logo - Paxym Consulting
Vue.js Logo - Paxym Consulting
Vue.js Logo - Paxym Consulting
React js Logo - Paxym Consulting
Meanstack framework Logo - Paxym Consulting
Laravel Logo - Paxym Consulting
WordPress Logo - Paxym Consulting
Ruby on Rails Logo - Paxym Consulting
PHP Logo - Paxym Consulting
Ruby Programming Language - Paxym Consulting
Python Logo - Paxym Consulting
TypeScript Logo - Paxym Consulting
JavaScript Logo - Paxym Consulting
Julia Programming language - Paxym Consulting
Lua Programming language - Paxym Consulting
Kotlin Programming language - Paxym Consulting
PowerShell Scripting system - Paxym Consulting
Gnu Bash Shell Scripting - Paxym Consulting
Chef OpenStack Scripting - Paxym Consulting

Paxym, Inc. is a Software Development and Testing Services Company. Providing Consulting Services to its Customers in the areas of Cloud Software, Web Front and Back-End Applications, Network and Security Stacks, Linux, xBSD Kernel development and Performance Tuning. Along with Solutions to a variety of computing problems using combination of SW and Hardware, by its Consultants.